by Victoria Mills
Hi! My name is Victoria Mills, and I hate writing.
Or at least I thought I hated it for most of my life. But I guess I do journal every day—I’ve been doing it for the past six years. I definitely can’t imagine stopping anytime soon. Maybe I have a love-hate relationship with writing? I’m also about to graduate with a mass communication – writing and editing degree, and I absolutely love my classes, especially when I get to write.
Maybe I should start over.
Hi! My name is Victoria Mills, and I love writing.
I grew up as a pastor’s kid, and then a Navy brat, living in Japan and every region of the U.S. except for the Southwest. My parents homeschooled my sister and me until just before high school. So I got the best of all four worlds; I was homeschooled for six years, then got two years of elementary school in Massachusetts, and my high school years were split between homeschool and a boarding academy in Michigan. In fact, going on four years at Southern Adventist University, this is the longest I’ve ever attended school in one place.
I’m so thankful for my upbringing and the different educational experiences my mom and dad allowed me to have. I learned equally from all the environments and teachers, and they all were directly instrumental to my knowledge, values and love for learning, reading and writing.
From little one-sentence writing assignments from my mom when I was little, to assisting my dad with his doctoral dissertation research this past summer, writing and homeschool have been a huge part of my life. I’m grateful for both and I’m excited for how they will continue to affect my future.
I look forward to exploring the subject of homeschooling and writing on it. There are so many nuances and angles to my experience in addition to how other homeschoolers view their education. I believe it will be rewarding to continue learning more about homeschool and how it has shaped the lives of countless children and adults.